Linwood Avenue Union Church was formed in 1972.

St Peter’s Presbyterian Church (corner Ferry Road and Aldwin’s Road), Woolston Methodist Church (Ferry Road, in the Woolston shopping centre) and the Linwood Avenue Church of Christ (corner Tilford Street) formed an exciting new uniting parish.

In the early 1970s the Anglican Church, the Congregational Union, Churches of Christ and the Methodist and Presbyterian Churches were planning to unite nationally. This did not occur but the Linwood Avenue Union Parish continued its local ‘together’ journey enthusiastically, believing it was important to show we are all ‘simply Christians’.

That adventure and enthusiasm continue! In fact, the parish is made up of people from many different denominational backgrounds – and some with none at all.

Our history goes back well beyond 1972 of course. In horse and cart days the Woolston Methodist Church was established in 1872 and St Peter’s in 1882. Sunday School classes for the Linwood Avenue Church of Christ began in the Canberra Hall at the corner of Cashel Street and Linwood Avenue in 1931. It was in 1957 that the original Tilford Street building was opened. With a combined total of more than 230 years before union in 1972, our parishes have a long and proud local record! We are at home here!

Both St Peter’s and Woolston Methodist buildings were sold by the union parish (and are now demolished, St Peter’s for road widening through the hall is still there opposite Couplands) and the parish centred on the Church of Christ site. This was considered ideal because there are hundreds of homes nearer this location than any other local church and the congregation wanted to relate closely to the community.

In 1981 a new hall, worship centre and gathering area were added to the Linwood Avenue property to support all the activities of the parish.

Recently Churches of Christ nationally changed their name to Christian Churches New Zealand so sometimes you will now see Christian Churches – Methodist – Presbyterian below Linwood Avenue Union Church. We are proud of our combined heritage but much prouder of belonging to the whole church of Jesus Christ.
